Sunday, November 04, 2007


04/11/2007 Night Heavy Rain
It was raining heavily outside as I took an umbrella from my attic.
Wore my favourite foot wear. (My yellow slippers)
Opened my umbrella using my right hand while I step out to the pouring rain.
My umbrella protects me like how a knight protect his king.
But the knight had meet his match. The rain eventually penatrates my umbrella.
Drop of water hit on my body and pierce through my heart.
Lightnings were seen before thunder were heard.
Any of those that hit me will kill me.
Car that zoom past me as I brisk through the road alone.
Alone. Lonely. Loneliness
I told myself that even the longest journey will end some day.
Time past quickly but not as quick as my thoughts.
I was thinking of the rewards that I would receive at the end of the road.
The road ends as I brought my body to its final destination.
My body was wet, my legs were drenched and both were tired.
It was an indian shop, an old indian old was tending the shop.
I walked towards him, whispered to him beside his ears.
I gave him some money as he handed me a box wrap with thin plastic.
I look at the box and said to myself, "Nothing beats Marlboro Menthol Lights"


Blogger CompulsiveShopper said...


7:34 AM  
Blogger Don said...

好久没写blog,一写就写了那么的深奥。。 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!! 可是为了一包 Menthol Lights 把自己给淋湿了。。。。 我在此敬一个礼。。。。

4:23 AM  

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